Cesarz_CCP – system characteristics
A system for settlements in the CCP process, to the so-called Central Counterparty (in Poland: KDPW_CCP). It is a comprehensive system for that purpose, unique in the Polish market. It ensures control over the process of transaction clearing as well as full management of participation in KDPW_CCP. It manages various data sources and all types of derivatives.
It is designed to fulfil the requirements of phase 2 of EMIR. For the realisation of phase 1, which concerns reporting to a trade repository, we have created the Cesarz_TR modul.
Fulfilling the recommendations of EU Financial Supervision Authorities.
Control (minimisation) of the costs of participation in Central Counterparty.
Transactions submitted to clearing by means of the client’s central system, in real time.
Adaptable to the particular requirements of a reporting entity.
KDPW S.A (Polish Central Counterparty) partnership.